Ultimate Seal Oil
500mg x 200 Capsules
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Information |
Seal oil cantinas
three essential Omega 3 fatty acids: EPA, DHA and DPA. Unlike
fish oil, seal oil contains exceptionally high levels of DPA.
Our seal oil also cantinas squalene and Vitamin E, making it
excellent Omega3 supplement for health and well being. |
Dosage |
Take 1-3 capsules daily
with meals or as
professionally advised. |
Ingredients |
Seal oil
500mg, Vitamin E 10mg, Squalene 10mg, Encapsulating Aids.
No artificial flavorings, preservatives added. |
What is Seal Oil?
Scientists have recently found out that oil extracted from the flesh
of seal is one of the best and complete sources of omega 3
polyunsaturated fatty acids. This is
because researchers have found a link between the low number of
Eskimos in Inuit that have heart disease or cancer. The main
different that was noted in their diets is the intake of seal oil
and fish. Therefore seal oil is considered a great source of Omega
Seal oil not only contains EPA and DHA in considerable amounts, but
also another important fatty acid – DPA. DPA is found in human milk
in high concentration and therefore it is very important for the
growth and development of the baby. Let’s find out more about seal
oil omega 3 supplements.
Fatty acids found in seal oil capsules are helpful in controlling
inflammation and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Other known health benefits
provided by seal oil are prevention of cardiovascular disease,
hypertension and diabetes. Seal is a mammal and oil extracted from
it is fit for consumption by humans. Its structure is a little
different than fish oil and there are no side effects associated
with its consumption. Seal oil is easily digestible by the stomach
and people who have problems in digesting heavy medicines can use it
as an alternative.
Seal oil in also helpful in the treatment of multiple sclerosis,
breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Pregnant women are strongly
recommended to increase their daily intake of seal oil. Fatty acids,
especially DPA, are responsible for a healthy pregnancy and normal
weight of the baby.
Different between Fish Oil and Seal Oil:
There are many
similarities between seal oil and fish oil. Both contain enough
Omega 3 fatty acid that it can help with lowering blood pressure,
high cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, boost
the immune system, assist with brain functioning, reduces the
chances of depression, assists with bipolar disorder, and can
prevent cancer and arthritis.
However, seal oil
offers less Omega 6 fatty acid than either fish or flax seed oils.
This means it works better for restoring the balance between Omega 3
and Omega 6 fatty acids that isn't done naturally due to your diet.
Omega 6 is essential for your physical and mental health but most
people eat a diet that provides them with too much Omega 6 and not
enough Omega 3, leading to health concerns and even diseases.
Most fish oils only
have two main ingredients of Omega 3 -- EPA and DHA, but seal oil
has the benefit of the third ingredient -- DPA. Seal oil is the best
supplement for getting the right amount of Omega 3 fatty acids while
working to help balance the amount against the Omega 6 in the body.
It also is safe enough for infants and young children to benefit
The seal oil studies
A pilot study, published in 2002(Arslan et al. 2002), examined the
effect of giving seal oil to 10 patients suffering from inflammatory
diseases (IBD, chronic inflammatory disease, ulcerative colitis, and
Crohns disease) and joint pain. When given seal oil (10 ml, 3 times
a day) for 10 days via a (nasoduodenal) tube into the small
intestine, the patients reported an amelioration of their joint
pains. However, the intestinal symptoms were only slightly improved.
The treatment was repeated for five of the patients at a later
stage, and they were examined by a rheumatologist before and after
the treatment, confirming that the joint pain was reduced.
results of Arslan’s pilot study were confirmed through a controlled
study published in 2004 (Bjørkkjær et al. 2004). Here, 19 IBD
patients with joint pain got the same treatment with seal oil or soy
oil for 10 days through a nasoduodenal tube, and were followed up
for 6 months after the treatment by a rheumatologist. During the
study period the patients receiving seal oil claimed improvement of
their joint pain compared to the patients given soy oil. The effect
of the seal oil lasted up to several months after the treatment.